6 years ago


Regular state-mandated screenings are performed in the following grades:



Heights and Weights with BMI calculation


K-3rd grade


1st grade

5th-9th grades

8th grade

K-5th grade

4th grade


10th grade

8th grade

7th grade



10th grade

10th grade



If a referral is necessary, the school nurse will inform the parent/guardian in writing. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to schedule the appropriate referral and to provide follow-up information to the school nurse. For any questions or concerns, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the school nurse.

The district will no longer be sending home the results of the students heights, weights, and BMI's.  If you wish to receive your child's screening information, please feel free to contact the school nurse who will provide this information.  


All medications, prescription and over the counter may only be given by the school nurse with a doctor’s order and a signed parent/guardian authorization. Parents/guardians are required to bring in all medications and discuss the administration plan with the school nurse. In accordance with all stated guidelines, the school nurse will administer medications under the following conditions.

1. Parent/Guardian consent is on file.

2. Physician, dentist, or nurse practitioner written order is on file.

3. Pharmacy label or original manufactures container with drug name, dose, dosage, and dosage interval is written on the bottle.

4. Indications and contraindications for drug use are known.

5. Potential adverse effects of the drug are known.

 A parent or responsible adult must bring the medication to school to leave with the school nurse. If a parent or guardian would like his/her child to receive medication during school hours without oversight from a licensed prescriber in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines, he or she has the option of coming to school to administer the treatment to his/her child at a predetermined time. Any medication not picked up by the last day of school will be disposed of according to DPH guidelines.


All students must be completely immunized in order to attend school. Massachusetts immunization regulations specify minimum immunization requirements for enrollment in school (105CMR 220.00). Those students with documented medical contraindications or documented religious beliefs are the only ones exempt from the immunization regulation. However, any student who is not properly immunized will be excluded from school if there is a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak (105cmr300.000,MGL.c111, ss, 3,6,7,109,110,111,112). The length of exclusion is determined by Department of Public Health guidelines and may vary according to disease.


The school nurse maintains a current health record on each student. If a student receives a physical examination or an immunization, the parent/guardian should notify the school nurse to facilitate accurate record keeping. It is essential, too, that the school nurse be notified to any significant health problems which a student possesses.


It is mandated by state law that children receive recurrent physical examinations. Children in grades Pre-K, K, 4th, and 7th must have a physical examination from their health care provider. All transfer students must also have a physical within the current year.


A physical examination is required for athletic participation prior to the first practice session. Sports physicals are valid for 13 months.